Imminence: Reinventing Metalcore with New Album “Turn the Light On”

The Swedish alternative metalcore group Imminence just dropped their third album, Turn the Light On, and it is the epitome of solid musical evolution and virtuosic growth. Frontman Eddie Berg shows off his violin chops on several of the tracks, adding beautifully flowing counterpoint melodies and enchanting harmonies to everything from chilling piano ballads to heavy breakdowns.

If that isn’t enough to convince you of the band’s pioneering musicianship, just check out the video for the song “Infectious”. It depicts the feeling of being imprisoned by one’s own heart, showing Berg tied up in a dark room, being interrogated by a duplicate of himself. The line “The fear inside won’t let me go until my heart lets me move on” is repeated several times throughout the song, delivered through both timid cleans and desperate screams. The song also touches on the detrimental effects of lack of communication, bellowing “We tip-toe around and I keep shutting my mouth / But silence is the match that’s gonna burn us down.” The addition of violin to songs like this brings a mournful, trembling energy to the typically aggressive genre, accentuating the shaking fear behind the lyrics.

Watch the music video for “Infectious” below and listen to Turn the Light On in its entirety on your favorite streaming platform – you won’t be disappointed.


01. Erase
02. Paralyzed
03. Room To Breathe
04. Saturated Soul
05. Infectious
06. The Sickness
07. Death Of You
08. Scars
09. Disconnected
10. Wake Me Up
11. Don’t Tell A Soul
12. Lighthouse
13. Love & Grace